Everybody, Rock Your Body!

“When the body was entrusted to my care, it was perfect in its organism. I am supposed to keep it free from all contamination, to keep it pure and undefiled; to uniformly develop all my faculties and all parts of my body to their highest capacity, that I may eventually bring my entire body to a symmetrical shape and the highest stage of development, approaching as nearly as possible that which God designed it: A perfect specimen in the image of my Maker, filling nature’s measurements.” -Willard Bean

Because the sole purpose of having a body is to house our spirit, the condition of it is directly related to our ability to function spiritually. I’ve noticed many times in my life the way my physical and spiritual states have affected each other directly. If I’m having trouble spiritually, I often gain weight, or break out, or get sick, and overall lack energy and motivation. I know that these things are also affected by the choices I make in terms of diet and exercise, but those choices are often the outward manifestation of how I’m feeling on the inside. On the other hand, if I’m not eating well or exercising, my sensitivity to promptings of the Holy Ghost is immediately dulled, my mind can’t function as clearly as it normally does, and it’s like I’m trying to function in a fog or a haze.

The Lord gave us the law of health, or Word of Wisdom, with good reason. He has told us that He never gives a physical law, but that every commandment is for our spiritual well being. He gave us the gift of these beautiful bodies, through which we can enjoy all of the wonders of the world around us. After all, men are that they might have joy, right?

One response to “Everybody, Rock Your Body!

  1. Awe Sister Jayci, you’re so pretty, and so awesome. Thank you for all these wonderful posts 🙂 I shall send a letter tomorrow!

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